RESTful APIs allow software and websites to communicate with one another. These APIs simplify workflows and improve efficiency, like streamlining the checkout process on e-commerce sites. They also support multiple data formats, making them easy to use.

This architecture also allows for caching, allowing clients to store and reuse responses. It also makes the interface between client and server components consistent. It also boosts scalability by separating layers from each other.


Caching with RESTful APIs is the practice of temporarily storing data or API responses that are often retrieved. This improves application performance and reduces load on the server. However, caching has some tradeoffs that need to be considered before implementing it. In addition to enhancing performance, caching also helps reduce network bandwidth consumption and saves money on server resources if you’re using a cloud service.

In REST, data is exchanged between clients and servers through HTTP request messages with response headers describing results and message bodies containing representations of resources. This approach facilitates layered network topologies and simplifies development. REST also supports statelessness, so each request does not depend on stored context. In addition, REST uses HTTP conventions for response codes and media types so that the APIs can self-document how they are supposed to be used by clients.

Another key feature of RESTful APIs is that the API interface is consistent across services, enabling easy integration and maintenance. This makes it possible to use the same HTTP methods to access multiple APIs and eliminates the need for multiple versions of the same resource. This is accomplished by utilizing ETags and Last-Modified headers. If these values change, the cached data will be invalidated and a new copy of the data will be fetched from the server. If the new version is identical to the previous one, the server will send a 304 Not Modified status code and the cached data will be served again.

Layered architecture

Layered architecture is a software design pattern that allows developers to separate their applications into distinct layers, with each layer performing a specific function. This allows for code reusability and separation of concerns. It also facilitates easier maintenance and extension over time.

A key characteristic of a layered architecture is that each layer is closed, meaning that it only connects to the layer directly below it. This allows the layers to work together without interfering with each other. This makes the layered architecture ideal for large and complex systems that require strict separation of concerns.

RESTful APIs follow a layered architecture and are stateless by default. This allows them to support a 3-tier architecture that includes a server for authentication and authorization, a database, and the business logic that fulfills client requests. The stateless nature of these APIs eliminates the need for server-side synchronization and enables them to perform well in a highly available environment.

While a layered architecture isn’t required by REST, it can help to improve the quality of your application and increase its performance. This is because it reduces the number of HTTP requests and simplifies network optimization. In addition, it eliminates the need for complicated caching logic. The layered architecture also allows developers to return executable code to support a particular feature, which can make it more efficient for clients to use.

Stateless requests

A RESTful API allows multiple applications to use a single data repository. This enables them to share information, which saves time and money. The architecture is also scalable and allows for caching. It also provides a clear separation between the client and server, helping to modularize the interface.

A stateless request model means that each interaction with a RESTful API is independent of previous interactions. This simplifies the server side by eliminating the need to keep track of past states. It also reduces the amount of memory needed for a successful transfer and improves the odds that the server will successfully complete a request.

RESTful APIs also support all popular data formats, such as XML and JSON. However, they require a standard protocol for data exchange, such as HTTP. This makes them easy to integrate with other software systems and hardware platforms. They also provide support for caches, content delivery networks and multidomain systems.

The architecture of a RESTful API is layered, with each layer containing different functions. This structure allows developers to separate responsibilities and limit the amount of data sent over the network. It also prevents problems with endpoint consistency, which can slow down response times. This type of system is also scalable, allowing servers to respond to requests from multiple users at once without overtaxing them.

HTTP headers

With RESTful APIs, clients and servers exchange representations of resources using a standardized interface and protocol. They also share information about the resource, including how to interpret and process it. This information is called metadata. It is used to control caching, detect transmission errors, negotiate the appropriate representation format, and perform authentication or access control. The server also uses this metadata to make intelligent decisions about which data to send to the client, and how long it should be cached.

With a RESTful API, every entity that can be manipulated or accessed is exposed at an HTTP endpoint. The server recognizes these by their URI (Uniform Resource Locator), similar to a website address. There are several HTTP methods that define interaction with these entities: GET retrieves representations, POST creates or updates them, and DELETE deletes them. Each request is sent with HTTP headers that identify the client and its parameters, and the requested information.

RESTful APIs are easy to integrate into web and mobile applications, and are scalable to Internet-sized audiences. They are lightweight and have low bandwidth requirements. REST also avoids the tight coupling of SOAP, which can cause modules to be interdependent and affect each other’s operation. This allows developers to add, replace, or adjust modules without disrupting the entire system. This approach makes RESTful APIs a popular choice for developing mobile and web applications that connect to microservices.