The Waterfall method of project management is an orderly project approach suitable for projects requiring precise timing – for instance building a house or writing software code.

This method requires extensive upfront planning. As it lacks flexibility or adaptation capabilities, changes made later may become more expensive or challenging to accommodate.

Requirements Analysis

Waterfall’s requirements analysis phase allows project teams to collect all the information required for product development. This includes gathering details such as scope, design and functionality so as to set the stage for coding, testing and implementation.

Waterfall models provide an easy solution to project management, with milestones and deliverables set at each phase of the process. This ensures teams remain on schedule, and allows them to easily identify any problems related to a task or milestone.

Structure can limit the flexibility of a project, particularly during its later stages. Client requests for changes often prove costly and time consuming to accommodate, often falling short of customer expectations and leading to dissatisfaction and potential lost business. An iterative approach like Agile may help lessen these impacts.


Waterfall differs from agile in that each phase must be completed before moving onto the next one, making it simpler and keeping teams focused on their work with less confusion or communication issues.

At this stage, team members gather information and collaborate on setting goals and objectives for their project. Once set, they create an action plan with specific tasks for every member to perform. They may use Lucidchart or another mind map tool as a collaborative platform.

Implementation is typically the shortest phase of any project; programmers use the requirements and specifications from previous stages to code applications based on them. While changes to requirements once underway can often be challenging due to extensive documentation and planning at early stages, leading to costly delays and rework.


Implementation is the final stage in Waterfall methodology and involves taking the detailed design and building it step-by-step, such as creating wireframes or mockups, programming an actual website or application or doing other work necessary to complete a project.

Documenting every step takes effort, but when done right it becomes much simpler to find out where a problem exists and how best to address it. Furthermore, extensive documentation allows new developers to join without incurring significant onboarding or adjustment expenses.

Process is highly linear: No step can be completed until the prior one has been finished; any delay in any activity causes all subsequent stages to run over schedule and may necessitate extra costs and extra time spent catching up with project tasks. Furthermore, methodology does not permit midprocess user or client feedback and system testing phase may often wait until all other phases have been finished before proceeding further.


Waterfall methodology includes testing after each phase of development, which typically entails running software applications and searching for defects. This practice reduces workload between developers and testers, improving quality while alleviating burden from developers so they can work faster.

Waterfall projects are suitable for projects that are predictable and require flawless operation, such as systems that put lives at stake or need to be finished on time. Unfortunately, though, Waterfall cannot accommodate projects where requirements may change over time as its rigid approach can lengthen timelines significantly.

The waterfall model requires extensive planning and research. This helps establish goals and objectives early, as well as ensure that the system is built correctly. Furthermore, comprehensive documentation helps new developers quickly become up to speed on your project.


At the conclusion of a Waterfall project, teams must launch their software for clients and users. This phase can be stressful; teams will strive to ensure that the software meets all established criteria before its release to users.

The Waterfall model demands careful upfront planning, which may prove challenging for certain teams. But its benefits include clear task assignments and clear deadlines; plus it makes onboarding new members much simpler as everything is laid out from the outset.

Waterfall development methodologies remain popularly employed across industries and can be suitable for specific projects. If using Waterfall methods on certain endeavors, ensure all analysis, design, implementation phases are fully comprehensive; otherwise the final product could be flawed or incomplete.


Maintenance is the final phase of a Waterfall project and should focus on keeping up with software updates or any issues discovered post installation, while also adding features or improving existing ones to make them even better.

Waterfall methodology demands precise planning. Each phase must be completed before beginning the next one, making it easy to run into roadblocks when tasks aren’t carefully planned out. If team members can’t devote enough time and attention to one task, it could cause delays in final product delivery date.

Waterfall software development framework is ideal for projects with fixed requirements and timelines that cannot be altered, as well as teams completing their tasks sequentially rather than concurrently. Furthermore, because Waterfall processes are well documented it allows new team members to quickly pick up where previous ones have left off.